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'24-25 Tuition Fee Schedule 
Preschool & Transitional Kindergarten

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*Children entering 3 year old, 4 year old, and TK program must be completely toilet-trained.  
2 year olds do not need to be toilet-trained.

*Half Day Program 8:10-11:20am, Full Day Program 8:10-3:20pm

Enrollment Fee

Submit Enrollment Fee with application or re-enrollment form. Fee is non-refundable.

Early Re-enrollment (before January 31st)

Enrollment after 

$225.00 per child

$275.00 per child

Milk Fees

First Semester payment (due August 2024)

Second Semester payment (due January 2025)

$45.00 per child

$45.00 per child

* Milk is mandatory, per state regulations.

Am/PM care Rates

AM Care (7:30-8:00am)




PM Care (3:30-5:30pm)




​* Should a student need to be withdrawn within a given school year, tuition will be charged through the end of the year.

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